The Alainian, Executive Suites

Office Suites / Secretarial Services
Building has secured 24/7 access; receptionist desk is open 8:30 am - 5:00 pm.
Driving Directions:
From I-45 exit Woodlands Pkwy, travel 13.6 miles to Ashlane Way, turn left onto Ashlane Way, 8111 Ashlane Way is on the left.
About Us
The Alainian Executive Suites strives to provide to our tenants the enjoyment of a professional environment and friendly atmosphere, starting at our front desk. Our stunning two-story office building is located in a quiet neighborhood in Sterling Ridge. Office configurations are available for single or multiple tenants. Training room holds 40 attendees. We look forward to serving your needs.
- Executive Suites
- Office Suites
- Training Room

Rep/Contact Info

Ms. Colleen Wood
President & CEO
- Phone: (281) 703-1100
- Fax: (281) 863-9286
- 8111 Ashlane Way The Woodlands TX 77382